Simple Life

Thursday, March 30, 2006

My 1st blog.......

My health:-

Still recovering from last week, but still having coughing all day...... probably cannot stand the good news i get from my manager ( increment & promoted !!)......

My work:-

It has been a transition phase for me to join a new group which is what i dream of doing from the graduation of my higher learning...... "Circuit Design Engineer"......sounds GOOD isn't it!! :) Well, as everybody know's all managers try to keep their best workforce to themself n hope that u will be working hard for him....... ("sell-fish" thinking....). Anyway, i feel really boring doing what i've been doing since i 1st joined Intel doing layout design (which is basically trying to fit polygon inside a tight box..... sounds like LEGO game). Moreover i found that this layout job will probably only use 20% of my brain to think and design + 80% doing execution (this is where i dislike most!!) I can't stand spending most of my time in work (8hrs daily) doing mostly execution work like operator & left your mind to be idle when i am still so young..... keke!! :)

Emm... but finally i still need to decide whether to transition to circuit design to open my career to a brighter future ahead or to stay in layout design (where my boss offer me to travel relocation to US for a 1yr assignment to keep me in the layout team gua......). Decision will be know soon......stay tune..... !!!